The Science Behind Yoga and Lower Back Pain: How Poses Improve Spinal Health

9 Aug, 2024

Spinal health is integral to our ability to get around and complete everyday tasks. Your spine is not a standalone string of vertebrae in your back – it’s supported by a complex, interconnected system of musculature that is what makes your range of mobility possible. Yoga is a great way to improve spinal health and reduce lower back pain by strengthening these muscles and promote overall flexibility and well-being. Here’s a breakdown of why and how yoga can effectively treat chronic lower back pain and what you can do to help retain or improve your mobility as you age. 

Research Shows Yoga Improves Lower Back Pain

The Journal of Orthopaedic Research recently published a study reporting that individuals who suffered from lower back pain saw reduced pain levels after practicing yoga on a weekly basis. In the study, participants completed a series of yoga poses specifically meant to stretch and move the body while being monitored through electromyography, a tool that measures electrical activity in muscles. Researchers found a statistically significant difference in the improvement in pain for females in the study who suffered from non-specific low back pain. Their findings lend further evidence to the effectiveness of regular yoga practice as a palliative for lower back pain. While each individual case is different, it appears that the addition of regular asanas to strengthen and stretch muscles supporting the spine is a good idea for people seeking to manage this disorder. 

How Yoga Improves Spinal Health

  • Better posture: A significant number of problems with the back and spine stem from issues with posture. Moreover, existing back or spine issues can exacerbate poor posture, leading down a vicious cycle of discomfort and health problems. Many common yoga poses such as Bridge Pose of Downward-Facing Dog activate the abdominal and back muscles, improving your posture by helping you maintain an erect spine when standing or sitting.
  • Strengthens muscles: Weakness in the back muscles relative to the rest of the body can place additional tension on the spine. Regular yoga practice helps strengthen these muscles, assisting with proper muscle alignment and reduction in back pain.  
  • Reduces tension and stretches muscles: Excessive tension in the back and shoulder muscles can result in back pain. By holding poses for 15 to 60 seconds during a yoga session, your muscles can stretch out and release this tension, promoting increased flexibility and relaxation. Relaxed muscles means less pain.
  • Helps you become more aware of your body: One underrated way to prevent back injuries is to improve body awareness. Yoga encourages you to be more aware of how your body moves and which muscles you are using. This allows you to understand what types of movements may result in injury or pain, so that you can avoid these movements to prevent future spine and back problems.

Contact Us Today

The latest research shows that regular yoga practice offers a range of benefits to those who suffer from lower back pain. The Spine and Scoliosis Center is a top spinal clinic with locations throughout Florida. Call The Spine and Scoliosis Center to schedule an appointment today.

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